Blogging and Content Writing

Bil Howard is a storyteller, which means he tells stories about your product or service rather than hammering your potential customers and clients with sales-talk and keywords. We need to be turning on their interest instead of turning it off. So, "let me tell your story."

Saturday, May 31, 2014

What to Look for When Hiring a Ghostwriter

Let’s suppose that you have an awesome idea for an e-book on SEO Optimization or you’ve had a nagging dream that could become the next bestselling thriller, but you have a small problem; you don’t have the time nor the skill to put your idea into words. That’s where a ghostwriter comes in. But what qualities should you look for when it comes time to select the person who is going to become your voice?

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Writing Skill

It is obvious that writing skill is one of the things to be considered when hiring a ghostwriter. Other than spelling, grammar and syntax, what qualities actually point toward the writing skill of the ghostwriter?


Experience is certainly an important factor. It is difficult to assess the experience of a ghostwriter because by the nature of his work, it is counterproductive to have others give references to his work. Thus, it is necessary to be able to see samples of his work before hiring him to take on your project. Request a writing sample.


A skilled writer has a flow to their sentences that not only communicates the necessary information, but does it in a colorful and concise way. Those writers who demonstrate an ability to form images in the reader’s head or use crisp, well-defined wording to communicate more with less will have a greater impact than those who simply string together facts.

Formatting Knowledge

Because the standard means of formatting books is vastly different between e-books and print books, it is necessary that your ghostwriter is able to format your document for either media. With blogs, articles and web content this is not nearly as important, but with fiction and non-fiction books, it is essential that the product is finished and ready to upload for either print or electronic publishing without issues.

Electronic Format and Print Format Templates

The Best Ghostwriter has separate templates set up for fiction and non-fiction, as well as for electronic format and print format. He also is able to design and set up both print and electronic book covers. SeeOther Services by Best Ghoswriter.

"No matter whether it is his blind Aunt Mary, who never leaves the nursing home, NOBODY should ever know that you are not the actual author of your work."


Professionalism can be seen in several attributes of ghostwriters. Some are more obvious than others, but each of them is an essential quality to look for when hiring a ghostwriter.

·         Discretion is rather obvious. A ghostwriter who let’s other know that he actually wrote your book is not only a fraud, but simply unethical. No matter whether it is his blind Aunt Mary who never leaves the nursing home, NO ONE, should ever know that you are not the actual author of your work.
·         Communication is an essential element in providing good customer service regardless of the service being provided. It is even more essential with a ghostwriter.
·        " Easy to Work With," is a phrase that means only one thing. The ghostwriter is agreeable when it comes to providing what you want; after all, it is YOUR book.
·         Timely Turnaround is important because someone who is a professional is focused on your project and not distracted or procrastinating.
·         Deadline Driven. A true professional will be honest when he sets a deadline and he will stick to it. In the event that something arises, the Best Ghostwriter will communicate that problem with you and adjust the deadline honestly.
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The Best Ghostwriter possesses all of these qualities and is the very best option available at the most reasonable price for the quality of work provided. Check out Best Ghostwriter's Services Today!